Leylan currently has five teeth. Well two are completely in and three are well on the way. He is sitting up by himself now. The little guy is getting so strong. He acts like he wants to take off when sitting, but we haven't had any movement yet. So in other words no crawling, pulling up, or talking. His teeth seem to be progressing like normal, but the motor skills not so much. Which goes back to our last physical therapy visit which was a much more pleasant experience than last time. It could have been the fact that Jared went with me. It was in December, he was 7 months at that time. The therapists told us he was doing stuff that ranged between 4-8 months. That he was doing well and they wanted us to have more belly time with him. I know it will only be a matter of time before all these things happen.He doesn't have to go back until June. At that point he will be 13 months...CRAZY.
I have been working what seems like all the time. I know that I don't. Their are plenty of people that work more hours than me. I'm guessing it's because I'm a "MOMMY" now and I want to be more of that. My workdays go as following: wake the little guy if he hasn't already then spend probably twenty minutes in the morning with him then off to the sitter. Then by the time I get home, Jared is rushing me to get him in the bath, and feed him. Then Leylan goes to bed. I know that my days will hopefully soon get shorter. I am just in hopes that happens before my little guy has done all his firsts. That would kill me.
The other day we were at Joe and Edna's and Edna had her camera. I was looking through the pictures and saw some of Leylan's hospital stay. There was a video of him on there. I started playing the video and had a brake down. You would like that emotionally I would have had plenty of time to heal. Edna said it seems like a bad dream. I couldn't believe how much sadness I still feel looking back at that.
There was much more I wanted to get out tonight, but my brain has apparently fallen asleep. So I will just have to cry to you all later. Please pray for me.
Daisy for Halloween!
14 years ago
Hey girl! You came thru a lot to have that little guy and keep him in your life so it is only natural that looking back at pictures and videos of the hardest times would be upsetting. You both pulled thru and if anything are stronger for it. I can't believe he is going to be a year old in a few short months! Keep us posted if you plan on having him a big birthday party! We love you and think often of you guys!
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